Friday, May 6, 2011

A 2010 Financial Outlook - The 4th Quarter Report - What Economic Recovery?

Rolling head-long into a new decade, we are now just a few short weeks of entering the fourth quarter of 2010. The big question on the minds of millions: What is the economic horizon? What is the financial outlook for the fourth quarter of 2010 and beyond? And, how the economy will effect you and your family? Let's take a look at these questions and more in this, 2010 Financial Outlook. Fourth Quarter Report
We currently live in perhaps the most dynamic time in the history of our planet. Let's face it, our world is a mess. Physically, emotionally and financially.
We currently live in perhaps the most dynamic time in the history of our planet. Let's face it, our world is a mess. Physically, emotionally and financially.
it's time we all woke up and read the writing on the out-house walls. sugar high, we have experienced over the past 18 months is over. Similar false recovery experienced in 1931 - 1932, we will soon re new lows in the stock market as never before seen, eventually breaking through these, as well as
There is no denying we are wade into dark and dangerous economic times. Many now believe that we have entered the next phase of 50 trillion U.S. dollars of wealth transfer that some economists have been predicting for years.
Soon, the focus is definitely a shift on fears of global sovereign debt collapse. Euro-land, Japan, UK, USA and will eventually be able to pay its debts. That is when we find out if the powers-that-be to try to end the Depression in the same way they did in 1930. The question remains. Who will be this generation Hitler? Who will assume the role Germany played in those dark times?
It is apparent, companies from all industries and individuals alike are now tip-toeing around on eggshells as a financial back-stage ballet dancers, waiting to see what band is playing next.
Just in case you were not paying attention, the stock market is ready yet on the edge of a spiral into a dark abyss of under 10,000. As it is written, the DOW lost another 140 points. Next stop, 9600? Who knows how low it can go from there.
Just in case you were not paying attention, the stock market is ready yet on the edge of a spiral into a dark abyss of under 10,000. As it is written, the DOW lost another 140 points. Next stop, 9600? Who knows how low it can go from there.
"Home Front", in spite of record low mortgage rates, news this morning from the National Association of Realtors shows existing home sales for July fell 27.2%. Sales are now at their lowest level since the total existing home sales series launched in 1999, a one-family sales - accounting for the bulk of transactions - are at their lowest level since May 1995
And what about all the new jobs our leaders so boldly promised a few months back? According to Obama just a few short months, we were on our way up, "the path to recovery. " Where is all that is promised relief? Who sucked the breath from the federal economic recovery plan this time? Or is it just full of hot air to begin with?

As if this were not enough, while the unemployment rate in the United States continues to teeter on the edge of the digit, the number of under-employment is now reaching levels never seen before. Record number of people around the world, working for far less money than ever before. Making ends meet is now so difficult to even start off with the Pope himself. Take a closer look at the unemployment numbers, you'll find in some industries, the unemployment figures are actually closer to 20% or more. Scary stuff when you consider how many people are not counted.
Many are now forced to cash in their retirement accounts just so they can put food on the table and pay the electric bill. Personal bankruptcies are spiking more personal credit accounts go into default than at any other time in history.
So what does this mean? What a simple carpenter, with a head full of hope and a heart full of hate, do about it anyway?
So what does this mean? What a simple carpenter, with a head full of hope and a heart full of hate, do about it anyway?
Think about it. If your neighbor is underwater on their mortgage, now the government steps in, be re-evaluating the value of their home and "re-evaluate" it. Now, what do you think will happen to the value of your home? Yep, you guessed it, the value of your home just fell through the floor joists as a lead brick on the head of a deep bottom end.
If you think that the Ground Zero of mosques, or even Obama Care, a bust with the public, You May be surprised to discover that a whopping 82% of respondents believed that the "principal forgiveness" is a terrible idea, bordering on the brink of insanity.
However, since there appears to be a zero limit on the amount of nonsense that we are witnessing in this administration, do not write off that possibility. In fact, you probably should not be surprised if you do not do it.
However, since there appears to be a zero limit on the amount of nonsense that we are witnessing in this administration, do not write off that possibility. In fact, you probably should not be surprised if you do not do it.
and get this! Word on the street, May today there be another lame brain idea in the works. Believe it or not, the next "innovative idea" comes straight down the pike from Washington, "Bankrupt the U.S. as quickly as possible 'playbook, he could be across the board credit score increases.
What? That's right. Suppose that your credit score is 600, meaning that you can not buy a house, unless 30% down payment. Well, with this new idea, your credit score immediately be increased to 20%, giving you the result of the 720th Now, you can run right out and buy the home with only a 50-10% down, maybe less, no matter what it's worth.
The falling dollar, along with complete loss of confidence in the U.S. economy globally, would, of course, cause property prices to plummet even more across the board. After that, we would have a 20% increase in the value of gold and silver. That said, it now seems clear, we are headed there anyway.
Well there you go. 2010 Financial Outlook - 4 fourth report in a nut shell, straight from the blurry eyes of old, worn out, wood butchering, Colorado carpenter


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