10. The Grooved Spheres
Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been digging bola2 mysterious metal. Unknown origin, this bola2 diameter of about one inch or more, and there are several etched with three parallel grooves along the diameter of the ball. Two types of balls have been found: a distinguished one consisting of solid bluish metal with white bintik2, the others are hollow and filled with spongy white substance. The great thing is that the rock where they will be found bola2 is derived from the Precambrian era - and 2.8 billion years old! Who makes the ball-ball and to what purpose is unknown until now.
09. The Dropa Stones
In 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei into the mountains Baian-Kara-Ula, China made a surprising discovery in some caves that seem to have been inhabited by several ancient cultures. Buried by time on the floor of the cave there are hundreds of stone disks (disk stones). Approximately nine inches in diameter, each had a circle in the middle and carved with spiral grooves, seen by all the world like an ancient record (disc music) 10000-12000 years old. Tsb spiral groove, it turns out, consists of tiny hieroglyphics that tell the letter the incredible story of spaceships from the world who fell in the mountains far away that they will. Spacecraft they will be driven by people who call themselves Dropa, and the rest of their descendants, perhaps, they will be found in the cave.
08. The Ica Stones
In the early 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, Cultural Anthropologist Ica, Peru, found hundreds of stone for the funeral ceremony at the tomb of the ancient Incas. Dr. Cabrera, continuing his father's work, has collected more than 1,100 tsb andesite stone, which is estimated 500-1500 years old and has been widely known as the Ica Stones. Tsb carved stones, mostly pictorial / sexual bergrafis (which is common to the culture), graven images and the other describing the practices of medicine such as heart surgery and brain transplants. Engraving of the most amazing, however, clearly depict dinosaurs like Brontosaurus, Triceratops (see photo), Stegosaurus and pterosaurs. Although some think Ica Stones a hoax / scam, its authenticity has not been tersangkalkan or proven to date.
07. Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica
The workers hoeing and burning through the thick forest of Costa Rica in order to clear an area for banana plantations in the 1930's hampered by some incredible objects: dozens of stone balls, even the most perfectly round ball. Their size varies from small as a tennis ball up to a diameter of 8 feet (2.4 m) with a weight of 16 tons! Despite the large stone balls they will be clearly man-made, is not known who made and for what purpose, and, most puzzling, how they achieve such precision ball circle (perfectly round).
06. Oera Linda Book
Linda Oera book is controversial Frisian manuscript covering historical themes, mythology, and religious who first appeared in the 19th century. The theme in the book Oera Linda include catastrophism, nationalism, matrilineal, and mythology. Books tsb states that European and other land, in their history, ruled by a series of mothers who guided the people in hirarkisme female pastors (virgin) dedicated to the goddess Frya, daughter of the supreme god and Irtha Wr-Alda, the mother earth. And stated that they will master the alphabet Frisian civilization which is the ancestor of Greek and Phoenician alphabet. Manuscript tsb bertanggalkan 1256. Claimed that the book is a copy of the manuscript, they will be distinguished older, and if genuine, was written by people between the years 2194 BC - 803 AD
05. Impossible Fossils
Fossils, as we learned in grade school, appear in rocks that formed thousands of years ago. But there are a number of fossils that do not make sense either geology or history. A trace fossil human hand for example, found in limestone which is estimated to 110 million years old. A fossilized human finger found in the Arctic who is also Canada 100-110 million years old. And there are fossilized human footprint, possibly wearing slippers, was found near Delta, Utah in a shale deposits estimated age of 300 jt - 600 jt years.
04. Out-of-Place Metal Objects
Humans have not even exist 65 million years ago, let alone the people who can make the metal. So how does science explain the semi-circular metal tubes excavated from Cretaceous rocks 65 million-year-old in France? In 1885, a lump of coal broke out and found a cube-shaped metal which is made by hand which clearly intelligent. In 1912, employees at an electric plant broke a large chunk of coal and then an iron pot fell from it! A nail was found embedded Dlm a chunk of sandstone from the Mesozoic Era. And many more, anomalies / peculiarities as above.
03. Ark of The Covenant
Ark / Ark is considered the greatest treasure of all treasures and discoveries which will give us an undeniable truth that the Old Testament is a fact. His discovery remains a goal of every modern archaeologist and adventurer. Tsb ark function is as a container for the ten commandments written on the board who stone by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to Exodus, the Ark they will be made of shittim wood (similar to the acacia) and gold plated inside and out. Above there is a statue of two angels who also made of gold. Tsb Ark is believed to have supernatural powers because of several events, including causing the death of someone who tries to balance the ark when the oxen which they will transport it tripped, knocking the walls of Jericho in a battle, and bring misfortune for the people of the Philistines after they captured the ark of the page. There are some estimates where the ark of the last places they will be, though need someone who was lucky to find it, also would require those who dare or even daring to open it!
02. Angel Hair
Angel hair / feather angel is a rare phenomenon that so far inexplicable. Angel hair like threads of silk that fell to earth, but if you are approached to touch it and will almost certainly disappear in front of your eyes. This is a phenomenon found throughout the world with the most frequent occurrence in North America, New Zealand, Australia, and Western Europe. No one knows what causes this phenomenon, or even made out of nothing. Many who have speculated Angel hair comes from spiders or other insects that spin silk, and even from UFO which are often associated with UFO sightings. Because of its sensitive, extremely difficult to find and analyze it, let alone the pollution car exhaust fumes, and even human contact, which can change its chemical elements.
01. Piri Reis Map
Piri Reis map is a map of pre-modern world famous reply made by the Turkish admiral of the 16th century and cartographer Piri Reis. Tsb map shows most of the west coast of Europe and North Africa with reasonable accuracy, and the coast of Brazil is also easily recognizable. Various Atlantic islands including the island of the Azores and Canary Islands are described, such as island Antillia myth. Tsb Map noteworthy over the southern part of the picture on land so that some controversial claims with this is evidence that early awareness of the existence of Antarctica. Some experts claim that this map and other maps which support the theory of global exploration carried out by a pre-classical civilization which has not been found.
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