Liam Derbyshire challenge the verdict which his doctor said he would not survive until the age of 11 because of illness where she stopped breathing strangely each time falling asleep. Now parents have to put on respiratory support devices every night to keep them alive. he has some form of a rare condition called central hypoventilation, which is also known as the curse ondine, which means he stops breathing every time asleep.
His family in Gosport, Hants, has spent a lot of the cost of electricity to a respirator equipment and also install emergency lighting in case of power failure during the night.
Liam attended a special school heathfield in fareham, Hants, and must be fitted with tracheostomy breathing tube in his throat for a lifetime.
He also was recovering from cancer that he suffered as a child. But even so, Liam refused to predict physician.
His mother, Kim, 50, said, "every day the doctor was amazed at how healthy he is. He exceeded all expectations. We must continue to watch him. He can be very active and his heartbeat could be really down. He was very excited, he's fantastic. He likes to smile and laugh. He was so full of love. He has all the properties of most children. Every day in his life is a bonus. "
Dr. Gary connet, who treated Liam at Southampton General Hospital, Hants, said: "This is really a very rare condition. Liam is my first patient diagnosed with central hypoventilation rs when I came to this 12 years ago. What is most unusual about Liam is that he has a cancer that grows inside and he has a problem with his colon. TKA I could find any reports about children who have all these problems and life. It's pretty amazing. I would say he is unique on a world scale. "
Is a reference to curse ondine ondine myth, fairy water that has an unfaithful lover. He swore on his breath ondine that in every waking moment is a statement of his love, and when he go off, the fairy curse him if his girlfriend was sleeping, he would forget to breathe.
Liam get attention 24 hours and someone paid to watch him at night so parents can sleep.
She has a ventilator berbatere if he fell asleep in the car or plane. He must eat a large portion of the daily diet because he has a very small digestive system. Her family spends £ 700 per month for his own food because diet Liam unusual.
His family in Gosport, Hants, has spent a lot of the cost of electricity to a respirator equipment and also install emergency lighting in case of power failure during the night.
Liam attended a special school heathfield in fareham, Hants, and must be fitted with tracheostomy breathing tube in his throat for a lifetime.
He also was recovering from cancer that he suffered as a child. But even so, Liam refused to predict physician.
His mother, Kim, 50, said, "every day the doctor was amazed at how healthy he is. He exceeded all expectations. We must continue to watch him. He can be very active and his heartbeat could be really down. He was very excited, he's fantastic. He likes to smile and laugh. He was so full of love. He has all the properties of most children. Every day in his life is a bonus. "
Dr. Gary connet, who treated Liam at Southampton General Hospital, Hants, said: "This is really a very rare condition. Liam is my first patient diagnosed with central hypoventilation rs when I came to this 12 years ago. What is most unusual about Liam is that he has a cancer that grows inside and he has a problem with his colon. TKA I could find any reports about children who have all these problems and life. It's pretty amazing. I would say he is unique on a world scale. "
Is a reference to curse ondine ondine myth, fairy water that has an unfaithful lover. He swore on his breath ondine that in every waking moment is a statement of his love, and when he go off, the fairy curse him if his girlfriend was sleeping, he would forget to breathe.
Liam get attention 24 hours and someone paid to watch him at night so parents can sleep.
She has a ventilator berbatere if he fell asleep in the car or plane. He must eat a large portion of the daily diet because he has a very small digestive system. Her family spends £ 700 per month for his own food because diet Liam unusual.
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