Saturday, April 16, 2011

Email Sins - Getting Grumpy

I've been getting more grumpy about e-mail that slows me down when I got a full inbox. If you want to send mass messages, or even just a routine message, watch your gripes. Today it is just me whining, tomorrow it could be your client.
These gripes are examples from just today e-mail.
1) Fat color banners at the top of the message.
This prevents me from seeing anything in my window. It's annoying to have to scroll down to view text. I'll do it a few times, but then I'm outta 'here!
2) HTML message
For security reasons, do not accept HTML messages. I'm not alone. If you want to send HTML, be sure to offer a text-only version. If you can not manage this, at least review the format of messages in text-only screen.
3) The appearance of that blow in a text-only messages
If you send regular correspondence, you would think you want to check it to see what we have received from you.
A message is received in a condition that will be a challenge to piece together. Picture boxes are marked with cryptic notes, and some are just empty boxes. Lucky for me, I do not care enough to try to understand what they mean instead of just delete.
4) Subject lines that are meaningless,
Everyone is busy. We priortize which messages are answered first. It's great when the subject line allows me to know how priortize your message. People who can enlighten me in the subject line to wait until I respond better to messages. When I'm on to win mode, these messages end up at the bottom of a long bunch of messages and then deleted when I find them on the back shelf in the refrigerator a week later.
5) e-mail that will not render on my mobile device. Check e-mail to make sure that the correct read on the Blackberry and iPhone. When I'm on the road and have a few minutes, I read e-mail. You just need to do it once and you'll realize that it can be understood in this medium.


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