Every job is unique, there is no universal formula can be prescribed for negotiations OSHA audit unscathed. However, the attention to some basic information can help immensely:
Every job is unique, there is no universal formula can be prescribed for negotiations OSHA audit unscathed. However, attention toto some basic information can help immensely...
Second, the coaching staff on health and safety, including OSHA compliant training, should be routine. Proper training is necessary to ensure that workers understand the potential hazards and practice safe methods of work.
Thirdly, it is important for companies to stress the involvement of employees in safe practices. Active involvement of employees can greatly improve compliance with OSHA standards.
Thirdly, it is important for companies to stress the involvement of employees in safe practices. Active involvement of employees can greatly improve compliance with OSHA standards.
Fifth, only periodic inspection and compliance audits will help in the detection of violations and allow corrective action to be taken. Earlier in the event of accident or injury, if any, can also be analyzed for possible preventive measures. This will reduce the likelihood of being cited for violations during OSHA audit.
records is one of the most important tools to provide evidence of efforts to comply with the OSHA inspector. The extent of documentation is extensive and accurate records are maintained, the better the audit. Examples of relevant documentation to report accidents, injuries and illness reports, exposure records (hazmat exposure, noise exposure, etc where applicable), past inspection reports and actions taken, as well as employee training records.
All of these measures will reduce the stress OSHA inspections and reduce the chances of receiving citations and fines. As an OSHA fact sheet states, "OSHA's primary goal is to correct hazards and maintain compliance, rather than issuing citations or collecting fines ."
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