It's always a good idea to look for a credit card with lowest interest rates, is not it? When we look at each offer credit cards, usually train our eyes to the figure which indicates the interest rate. And if it is low, it is usually good news. Or is it?
True, getting a low interest rate card really depends on many factors. And when you're in the market for a low interest rate credit card, there are several things you might want to consider, such as:
annual fee
Sometimes, low interest rates figure blinds us so we do not pay enough attention to the annual fee. Many banks offer credit cards at really low interest rates to attract new business, but the hike up the annual fee. You might be getting a credit card with low interest rate of 2.99%, but with an annual fee of $ 60. If what is offered to you, maybe do the math. Depending on your spending and paying habits, you may end up paying more, especially if you factor in the high annual fee. If you can, get a credit card with no annual fee or one that offers a low cost.
Look for an introduction to
Sometimes what is really taking the introductory rate, which can go as low as 0%. However, this interest rate will be only for a limited time, say, six months, after which the regular interest rate will apply. Often, the regular interest rate is much higher. So, you might want to look out for a card that promises zero interest rates, and then surprise with 18% after your honeymoon period. However, it is not all that bad. If you plan on paying your balance in full before the introductory period is over, you can take advantage of low prices. But if you're one of the revolvers - revolving on its balance sheet in the next month - that the state of the overflow for a month or months after the introductory period will not be good for you. Either you pay the balance with higher interest rates, or switch to another tab, the low introductory deadline.
New Balance
If you transfer your balance to another credit card, a new low interest rates will save you money if you can pay off the balance during the introductory period. Low interest rates also will return to the standard rate when you make new purchases with the card. If you plan to use low-interest card to pay off your old balances, the best to get a separate card to use for new purchases.
your spending habits and payment
If you're planning on getting some big purchases in the next few months and only pay the minimum balance required, it can be a good idea to use a low interest rate credit card. Also, if you have the habit of carrying through of higher status than one month to the next, low interest rate card is a good deal.
However, there is a certain irony in the fact that is often lost on many consumers: banks usually only offer low interest rate cards for people who have good credit rating. If you pay your balance in full each month, you'll probably get approved for low interest credit card application. If you have less-than-satisfactory credit history, can still get a credit card, but not with a low interest rate received by applying for one in the first place.
low interest rate cards, just like regular credit cards are a good tool for managing your finances, as long as you use them properly. low interest rate credit card can give you a sense of false security, but if you know your spending style and take responsibility, can work in your favor. Read the fine print and make sure you understand what exactly is it that they are getting in. It is used wisely, low interest rate card can help you pay off your debt quickly and easily.
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